Curriculum vitae

Last name: Both
First name: Martin
Address: Schnatsweg 34c, D-33739 Bielefeld
Place of birth: Minden, Germany
Date of birth: 07/04/1966
1982 – 1985 Vocational training to be a communication craftsman at `Deutsche Bundespost´ in Minden.
Shortening the training from 3 1/2 to 3 years because of good achievements
1985 Working for `Deutsche Bundespost´ as communication craftsman in Herford
1985 – 1986 Final technical examination at `Fachoberschule für Technik´ in Minden.
Getting the `Büttner´ award for good achievements.
1986 Working for `Deutsche Bundespost´ as communication craftsman in Herford
1986 – 1987 German army basic training in Achim nearby Bremen
1988 Working for `Deutsche Bundespost´ as communication craftsman in Herford
1988 – 1991 Study of communication and electrical engineering at `FH Dieburg´ nearby Frankfurt.
Getting the `Prof. Döhrer-Preis´ award for the best graduated engineer in my semester.
1991 – 1999 Software developer at `Deutsche Telekom AG´ in Bielefeld
1999 – now Software developer at `T-Nova Innovations GmbH´ in Bielefeld

Professional Experience

Project GeoBase: Developing a variable part generator for a 2D-CAD-program written in ANSI-C.
Project IPK: Testing of a management information system (datawarehouse).
First version was developed by IBM with DB2 on MVS.
Taking over the development and continue developing.
Project AiP: Written a Windows program to record data for the above system.
Project OpTa: Design and complete a Client-Server database application to record and process optional customer contracts of `Deutsche Telekom AG´
Project Copra: Developing a datawarehouse application for business costumer contracts
Project OpenServer for Informix: Writing a high performance database gateway between Sybase and Informix to access stored procedures. It is like direct connect for informix but better.
Project VBOrb: Developing a CORBA Object Request Broker for Visual Basic. Writing an IDL2VB compiler in Java.
Project AAB: Writing batch programs in ANSI C and shell scripts.


Languages: ANSI-C, ESQL/C, Java, CORBA-IDL, Visual Basic, COBOL
Script Languages: Rexx, JCL, DCF & GML, QMF, UNIX-ksh, UNIX-bash
Developing Tools: ISPF, SDSF, BETA92, RACF, CVS, Continuus
Database Languages: SQL, Stored-Procedures, JDBC
Data Bases: DB2, Informix 7, Oracle 8i, Sybase OpenServer und OpenClient, Paradox
Operating Systems: HP-UX, SINIX, MVS (OS/390), Sun OS, Sun Solaris, Linux, Windows NT, Win95/98, DOS
Networking: TCP/IP, HTTP, socket progamming
Special Skills: Multithreading programming with DCE and green threads